The Centre for Solar Energy and Hydrogen Research Baden-Württemberg (ZSW) is a non-profit research institute in the legal form of a foundation under civil law. The mission and vision of the ZSW are described in the statutes and in the ZSW mission statement. For the ZSW, compliance means adherence to the relevant legal requirements and, beyond that, to the organisation's internal regulations.
The goal of the compliance management system at ZSW is to preventively sensitise employees to risk-relevant issues. Furthermore, risks to legal compliance and honesty are to be minimised through active organisational and procedural measures in order to prevent the occurrence of breaches of duty, damage and liability cases as far as possible.
The basis for action at ZSW are the fundamental principles listed in the United Nations Global Compact. In order to promote the implementation of these principles, the ZSW has established a sustainability policy in which ZSW suppliers of goods and services are also required to uphold and respect human rights and laws. Furthermore, it is the responsibility of the ZSW supplier to promote and pass on compliance with the principles listed in the "Sustainability Policy for ZSW Suppliers" in their own supply chain as well.
The ZSW remains committed to increasing the proportion of women in management positions and to further improving the compatibility of work and family for all employees, thus implementing the goals formulated in the Federal Equal Opportunities Act (BGleiG).
The equality plan serves to achieve these goals and is an essential instrument of human resources planning, especially human resources development. It is intended to help reduce existing gender-based disadvantages in a targeted and needs-oriented manner and, in addition, to improve the compatibility of work, family and, if necessary, care for dependents for all employees, as well as to promote equal opportunities and diversity. Appropriate measures are taken for this purpose.