Zentrum für Sonnenenergie- und Wasserstoff-Forschung Baden-Württemberg (ZSW)
Meitnerstr. 1
70563 Stuttgart
Phone: +49 (0)711 78 70-0
Fax: +49 (0)711 78 70-100
E-Mail: info@zsw-bw.de
The Zentrum für Sonnenenergie- und Wasserstoff-Forschung Baden-Württemberg (Center for Solar Energy and Hydrogen Research, ZSW) is a charitable foundation under Germany’s civil law.
Managing Chairman of the Board of Directors Dr. rer. pol. Frithjof Staiß
Regierungspräsidium Stuttgart, Ruppmannstr. 21, 70565 Stuttgart
according to § 27a Umsatzsteuergesetz: DE 147839443
Julia Fromm
Email: julia.fromm@zsw-bw.de
Liability for content
The content of our sites has been prepared with the utmost care. Nevertheless, we cannot accept any liability for the correctness, completeness and up-to-date status of the content. As a service provider and under Section 7 subsection 1 DDG (German Digital Services Act) we are responsible for own contents on these sites in accordance with the general laws. In accordance with Article 8 of Regulation (EU) 2022/2065 , we, as a service provider, are not, however, obliged to monitor third-party information forwarded or stored, or to investigate circumstances that indicate unlawful activity. Obligations to remove or block the use of information under the general laws are unaffected. Nevertheless, corresponding liability is only possible as from the time of gaining knowledge of a specific legal infringement. If we become aware of corresponding legal infringements we shall remove this content immediately.
Liability for links
Our Internet presentation contains links to external websites of third parties over whose content we have no control. Consequently, we cannot assume any guarantee for this third-party content. In all cases, responsibility for the content of the linked sites lies with the respective site provider or operator. The linked sites have been checked for possible legal infringements at the time of the setting of the link. No unlawful content was recognisable at the time of the setting of the link. Nevertheless, permanent checking of the content of the linked sites is not reasonably possible without specific indications of a legal infringement. In the event of us becoming aware of legal infringements we shall remove any such links immediately.
The content and works on these sites prepared by the site operators are subject to German Copyright Law. The reproduction, editing, distribution and any form of use beyond the limits of copyright law requires the written consent of the respective author or creator. Downloads and copies of this site are permitted exclusively for private, non-commercial use. If content on this site has not been created by the operator, the copyright of third parties will be respected. In particular, third-party content will be marked as such. Should you nevertheless become aware of a violation of copyright, kindly inform us accordingly. In the event of us becoming aware of legal infringements, we shall remove any such content immediately.
Information according to §36 VSBG (Verbraucherstreitbeilegungsgesetz)
The Center for Solar Energy and Hydrogen Research Baden-Wuerttemberg declares, in case of a legal dispute with a consumer not to take part in consumer dispute resolution procedures.
Wind Energy: WindForS
Energy Transition and Systems Optimisation: © madamlead #420932322 stock.adobe.com
Energy Transition and Systems Optimisation / Innovation & Value Creation - © bennyartist #48275316 stock.adobe.com
Energy Transition and Systems Optimisation / Sustainable Mobility - © Petair #39293318 stock.adobe.com
Energy Transition and Systems Optimisation / Scenarios and Instruments for Climate Neutrality - © Benjamin LEFEBVRE #39293318 stock.adobe.com
Hydrogen & eFuels - © AUDI AG
Circular Economy / Phosphor-Recycling - © Daniel Jedzura #167981820 stock.adobe.com
TP07_005048 @ Ekkehard Winkler – trurnit.de
TP07_005048 @ Ekkehard Winkler – trurnit.de
Fotolia_54481947 @stockWERK
Fotolia_85180809 @megakunstfoto
Jörg Haigis
ZSW, IT Department
Meitnerstr. 1
70563 Stuttgart
Email: webmaster@zsw-bw.de
Think-cell is an add-in for Microsoft PowerPoint that can be used for creating professional graphs such as waterfall, Mekko or Gantt charts. It facilitates a quick setup of clear slide layouts from standard elements.
For further information, please refer to the think-cell homepage and the user manual.
Due to the campus licence, think-cell is free of charge for ZSW employees and student or scientific assistants. The contract between think-cell and ZSW is imited in time and will be renewed upon mutual agreement of the contract partners.
Please contact the ZSW's IT hotline via the familiar channels.
By installing the software you accept the complete license terms (PDF, 139 kB)!