// Dr. Stefan Paetel

Research Departments

Photovoltaics: Materials Research


+49 711 78 70-237


Since 2023: Temporary Head of Department Photovoltaics: Materials Research

2016-2023: Group leader at ZSW in Department Photovoltaics: Materials Research

2009-2016: Project leader at ZSW in Department Photovoltaics: Materials Research

2009: PhD in Physics, University of Augsburg, Preparation and analytics of thin films and interfaces, oxides and perovskites

Fields of activity

  • Thin-film solar cells and modules, based mainly on CIGS and perovskites
  • Preparation of thin films incl. scaling to larger areas
  • Transfer of processes to industry
  • Analytics of thin films, interfaces and devices

Selection of Publications

  • Powalla et al., Thin-Film solar cells exceeding 22% solar cell efficiency: An overview on CdTe-, Cu(In,Ga)Se2-, and perovskite-based materials, Applied Physics Reviews 5 (2018)
  • Jaysankar et al., Toward scalable perovskite-based multijunction solar modules, Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications 27, 733-738 (2019)
  • Thiel et al., Tunable quasi-two-dimensional electron gases in oxide heterostructures, Science 313, 1942-1945 (2006)
  • Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.de/citations?user=PPrO6EwAAAAJ&hl=de

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