// 3rd Perovskite Workshop Baden-Württemberg

Invitation to the 3rd Perowskit Workshop Baden-Württemberg on 11 October 2024.

The ZSW, together with the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), the ipv of the University of Stuttgart and the Solar Cluster BW, is organising the 3rd Baden-Württemberg Perovskite Workshop on 11 October 2024. The one-day event will take place at KIT in the Tulla lecture theatre (Building 11.40) from 10:00 to 18:00. Selected keynote lectures will present current topics of perovskite research and will be discussed in the plenum. A poster session will also accompany the programme this year. The workshop day on the topic of perovskites will be rounded off by a subsequent laboratory tour.

Perovskite solar cells are a new type of thin-film photovoltaic technology with high potential for higher efficiency and lower costs. They already achieve efficiencies of over 26% on a laboratory cell scale, and even over 33% in tandem, and can therefore help established solar cell technologies achieve significantly higher efficiencies. However, many technological and scientific aspects still need to be researched in more detail. Perovskites are therefore a highly topical field of research: not only worldwide, but also with growing commitment for the German research landscape in the south-west. With this workshop, we are therefore inviting all players from research, development and industry to present their research activities in a mutual exchange. Current topics in perovskite research will be discussed on the basis of invited keynote speeches.

Topics of the workshop

  • Potentials of perovskite research
  • New materials
  • Cells, modules and tandem solar cells
  • Upscaling, process technologies

Scientific Committee

Prof Dr Michael Powalla
Center for Solar Energy and Hydrogen Research Baden-Württemberg (ZSW)

Prof Dr Michael Saliba
University of Stuttgart (ipv)

Prof Dr Ulrich Paetzold
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (LTI and IMT)

Poster session

Abstracts for the poster session can be submitted until 27 September 2024 by e-mail to poster@solarcluster-bw.de Scope of the abstract: half DIN A4 page with title, abstract and list of authors.


Registration form: eveeno.com/684329492

Venue: Tulla lecture hall (Building 11.40, KIT Campus South, Englerstr. 11, Karlsruhe)

Friday, 11 October 2024, 10:00 - 18:00 hrs 


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