The RAMSES* project, funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research, aims to develop an electrically rechargeable zinc-manganese dioxide (Zn-MnO2) cell.
To increase the cycle number, α-MnO2 produced at ZSW was doped with copper (Cu) leading to a significant improvement in the chargedischarge efficiency at high discharge rates and discharge depths. The figure below right depicts the high degree of preservation in the electrode capacity of a cell with a copper-doped electrode at a discharge depth of 35%, whereas copper-free electrodes have already lost their capacity after just a few cycles. Even at a 100% discharge depth, the cell could be operated for several cycles. In another trial, different procedures for loading the nickel foam current collector with active material were investigated. The goal of the project was achieved after only one year using a cost-effective method developed in-house. Further investigations oriented around basic research aim for a better understanding of the electrochemical charge storage in doped MnO2 materials, which in the long term will allow a targeted material and electrode design to increase the cycle stability of MnO2 electrodes.
The joint research project between German and French scientists aim to support the European energy supply system in becoming more efficient and sustainable.
*RAMSES = Reversible Alkaline zinc – Manganese dioxide battery for Stationary Electricity Storage