The research factory for hydrogen and fuel cells (HyFaB) emerging at the ZSW in Ulm will be a base for the development of the necessary processes for the large-scale production of fuel cells. A design for a generic fuel cell stack in the form of an open development platform was the result of work done in cooperation with an industry partner in a HyFaB project funded by the Baden- Württemberg Ministry of the Environment. The specifications were worked out in a prior project with the automotive industry and its component suppliers. In terms of power density, the stack size and design correspond to the fuel cell systems used in the automotive sector. The stack is designed for an output of up to 150 kW.
All the relevant parts of the cell design, such as port channel geometry, active zone and distribution area, were studied in the project by means of suitable CFD simulations using ANSYS Fluent®. The simulations were carried out in equal measure for air, hydrogen and cooling systems based on the operating boundary conditions arising from the EU-funded AutoStackCore project. A matching balance-of-stack design was issued for the bipolar plates. This includes the electricity consumers, compression plates, length compensation units made from metal strips and disc springs acting as a tensioning unit, and the end plates complete with media supply lines. A device was also developed for connection to the test rig in order to facilitate the rapid and simple connection and disconnection of stacks. The working model will be available for research projects in early 2023 and will give enterprises access to the industry.