In the joint project "Climate Neutral City Quarter - New West City of Esslingen", a future-oriented, holistic energy concept is being implemented at district level. The joint project with 10 partners is funded by the Federal Ministry of Economics and Energy (BMWi) and the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) as part of the "Solar Construction / Energy-efficient City" funding priority. A complex part of the project is the integration of hydrogen production in this urban mixed-use neighbourhood in order to produce "green hydrogen" from surpluses from the neighbourhood's photovoltaic systems and to use the waste heat from the electrolysis process in the neighbourhood's local heating network.
At the beginning of the project, the ZSW was commissioned with the conceptual design of the hydrogen production plant, the elaboration of a safety and installation concept and the compilation of the availability of components/subsystems for the implementation and the selection of the manufacturer.
During the implementation and approval phase of the project, ZSW is providing services within the scope of the application for immission control approval in accordance with BImSchG for the realization of the hydrogen plant in a new type of installation configuration.