// 2024

Veröffentlichungen in Büchern und Zeitschriften

  • Anand A. (TUM), Petzschmann J., Strecker K., Kaifel A., Braunbehrens R. (TUM), Bottasso C. L. (TUM); Profit-optimal data-driven operation of a hybrid power plant participating in energy markets; Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Vol. 2767 Issue 9, p. 092069 (2024); https://doi.org/10.1088/1742-6596/2767/9/092069
  • Bischof K., Flügel M., Hölzle M., Wohlfahrt-Mehrens M., Waldmann T.; Aging mechanism for calendar aging of Li-ion cells with Si/Graphite anodes; Journal of The Electrochemical Society 171 (2024) 010510; https://dx.doi.org/10.1149/1945-7111/ad1b7c
  • Bischof K., Marangon V. (HIU, KIT), Kasper M., Aracil Regalado A., Wohlfahrt-Mehrens M. (ZSW, HIU), Hölzle M., Bresser D. (HIU, KIT), Waldmann T. (ZSW; HIU); Evaluation of commercial 18650 and 26700 sodium-ion cells and comparison with well-established lithium-ion cells; Journal of Power Sources 27 (2024) 100148; https://doi.org/10.1016/j.powera.2024.100148
  • Braunbehrens R., Strecker K., Anand A., Felder M., Petzschmann J., Bottasso C. L.; Site-specific production forecast through data-driven and engineering models; Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Vol. 2767, Issue 9, p. 092054 (2024); https://doi.org/10.1088/1742-6596/2767/9/092054
  • Brega A., Brimaud S.; An open source electrochemical channel flow cell setup for kinetics studies. Application to investigations on oxygen electrocatalysis; Electrochimica Acta (2024); https://doi.org/10.1016/j.electacta.2024.145365
  • Buchmann T., Haering A., Kudic M., Rothgang M.; Overcoming Innovation Barriers along the Automotive Industry Value Chain–A Framed Experiment; Journal of Innovation Economics & Management, 44(2), pp. 191-222. (2024); https://shs.cairn.info/revue-journal-of-innovation-economics-2024-2-page-191?lang=en  
  • Chesson W. W. (HIU), Klein F., Diemant T. (HIU), Schuer A. R. (HIU), Pfeifer C., Drews P., Jusys Z. (HIU), Behm R. J. (Univ. Ulm), Linden M. (Univ. Ulm), Geaney H. (Univ. Limerick), Ryan K. M. (Univ. Limerick), Kuenzel M. (HIU), Bresser D. (HIU), Axmann P., Passerini S. (HIU); Advanced Balancing of High-Energy Lithium Ion Cells Comprising Lithium-Rich Layered Oxide and a-Si/CuSi Nanowire Using a Cathode Pre-Lithiation Additive; Journal of The Electrochemical Society, Vol. 171, 120525 (2024); https://doi.org/10.1149/1945-7111/ad9bf2
  • Cojocaru-Mirédin O. (INATECH), Hariskos D., Hempel W., Kanevce A., Jin X. (IAF), Keutgen J. (IPhy), Raghuwanshi M. (IPhy RWTH, IAF), Schneider R. (LEM), Scheer R. (IPhy RWTH, Univ.Halle), Gerthsen D. (IPhy RWTH, Univ.Halle), Witte W.; Ordered vacancy compound formation at the interface of Cu(In,Ga)Se2 absorber with sputtered In2S3-based buffers: an atomic-scale perspective; Solar Rapid Research Letters, Vol. 8, Issue 23, 2400574 (2024); https://doi.org/10.1002/solr.202400574
  • Czudek A. (WUT), Urbaniak A. (WUT), Eslarn A., Wuerz R., Igalson M. (WUT); Grain boundary barrier model can explain the beneficial effect of alkali doping in Cu(ln,Ga)Se2 solar cells; Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, Vol. 279, 113252 (2024); https://doi.org/10.1016/j.solmat.2024.113252
  • Daubner S. (KIT), Dillenz M. (Univ. Ulm), Pfeiffer L. F., Gauckler C., Rosin M. (KIT), Burgard N., Martin J., Axmann P., Sotoudeh M. (Univ. Ulm), Groß A. (univ. Ulm), Schneider D. (KIT), Nestler B. (KIT); Combined study of phase transitions in the P2-type NaXNi1/3Mn2/3O2 cathode material: experimental, ab-initio and multiphase-field results; npj Computational Materials 10, 75 (2024); https://doi.org/10.1038/s41524-024-01258-x
  • Feinauer M., Abdellatif A. A., Sichler P., Wohlfahrt-Mehrens M., Hölzle M., Waldmann T.; Effects of main aging mechanism and state of charge on the safety of 21700 Li-ion batteries with Ni-rich NMC cathode; Journal of The Electrochemical Society 171 (2024) 110524; https://dx.doi.org/10.1149/1945-7111/ad9356
  • Feinauer M., Hölzle M., Waldmann T.; Insights into thermal runaway of cylindrical lithium-ion batteries by internal temperature sensors; Journal of The Electrochemical Society, Interface 33 (2024) 51; https://dx.doi.org/10.1149/2.F07243IF
  • Feinauer M., Wohlfahrt-Mehrens M., Hölzle M., Waldmann T.; Temperature-Driven Path Dependence in Li-Ion Battery Cyclic Aging; Journal of Power Sources 594 (2024) 233948; https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jpowsour.2023.233948
  • Feinauer M., Wohlfahrt-Mehrens M., Hölzle M., Waldmann T.; Unraveling the Complex Temperature-Dependent Performance and Degradation of Li-Ion Batteries with Silicon-Graphite Composite Anodes; Journal of The Electrochemical Society 171 (2024) 110506; https://dx.doi.org/10.1149/1945-7111/ad8d0d
  • Gauckler C., Kucinskis G. (ZSW, Univ. Latvia), Pfeiffer L. F., Abdellatif A. A., Tang Y. (KIT), Kübel C. (HIU, KIT), Maroni F., Gong R., Wohlfahrt-Mehrens M. (ZSW, HIU), Axmann P., Marinaro M.; MgO coated P2-Na0.67Mn0.75Ni0.25O2 layered oxide cathode for Na-Ion batteries; Journal of Power Sources 25 (2024) 100135; https://doi.org/10.1016/j.powera.2024.100135
  • Geisler J. (HU Berlin), Pfeiffer L., Ferrero G. (HU Berlin), Axmann P., Adelhelm P. (HU Berlin, HZB); Setup Design and Data Evaluation for DEMS in Sodium Ion Batteries, Demonstrated on a Mn-Rich Cathode Material; Batteries & Supercaps (2024), 7, e202400006; https://doi.org/10.1002/batt.202400006
  • Ghorbani E. (TU Da), Jin X. (KIT), Perera D. (TU Da), Schneider R. (KIT), Gerthsen D. (KIT), Hariskos D., Witte W., Albe K. (TU Da); Influence of oxygen content on the properties of In2(OxS1−x)3 used as buffer material in Cu(In,Ga)Se2 solar cells; Journal of Applied Physics, 135/7, 073101 (2024); https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0184698
  • Gong R., Maroni F., Marinaro M.; A Stable High-Potential Na7V4(P2O7)4(PO4) Cathode for Sodium-Ion Batteries Developed from a Water-Based Slurry; Journal of The Electrochemical Society 171 (2024) 040508; https://doi.org/10.1149/1945-7111/ad36e8
  • Gutzler R., Kanevce A., Wahl T., Wessendorf C., Ahlswede E., Hariskos D., Paetel S.; Advantage of Zn(O,S) over CdS buffer for low-gap (Ag,Cu)(In,Ga)Se2 in tandem applications; ACS Applied Energy Materials, Vol. 7, Issue 8 (2024); https://doi.org/10.1021/acsaem.3c03054
  • Hogrefe C., Paul N. (TUM), Boveleth L. (HIU, DLR), Bolsinger M. (HS Aalen), Flügel M., Danner T. (HIU, DLR), Latz A. (DLR, HIU, Univ. Ulm), Gilles R. (TUM), Knoblauch V. (HS Aalen), Wohlfahrt-Mehrens M. (ZSW, HIU), Hölzle M., Waldmann T. (ZSW, HIU); Lithium Redistribution Mechanism within Silicon-Graphite Electrodes: Multi-method approach and method validation; Journal of The Electrochemical Society 171 (2024) 070503; https://dx.doi.org/10.1149/1945-7111/ad59c7
  • Jörissen L., Gogel V., Lamy C. (ICGM, Montpellier); Fuel Cells – Fuel Cells With Liquid Fuels | Direct Methanol Fuel Cell; Encyclopedia of Electrochemical Power Sources, 2nd Ed. Vol. 5, pp. 806-824. (2024); https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-323-96022-9.00321-2
  • Jörissen L.; Fuel Cells – Fuel Cells With Liquid Fuels | Direct Formic Acid and Formaldehyde Fuel Cells; Encyclopedia of Electrochemical Power Sources, 2nd Ed. Vol. 5, pp. 825-833. (2024); https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-323-96022-9.00339-X
  • Jörissen L.; Fuels – Hydrogen – Hydrogen Storage | Hydrogen Alternatives; Encyclopedia of Electrochemical Power Sources, 2nd Ed. Vol. 6, pp. 360-367. (2024); https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-323-96022-9.00335-2
  • Jörissen L.; Fuels – Introduction | Hydrogen Global Transport; Encyclopedia of Electrochemical Power Sources, 2nd Ed. Vol. 6, pp. 171-183. (2024); https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-323-96022-9.00325-X
  • Jörissen L.; Fuels – Introduction | Hydrogen Industrial Use; Encyclopedia of Electrochemical Power Sources, 2nd Ed. Vol. 6, pp. 161-170. (2024); https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-323-96022-9.00267-X
  • Kindl V., Herrlein O., Steiert S., Löffler M.-S.; Technologievergleich AEL PEMEL; Online-Veröffentlichung https://www.bw-elektrolyse.de/fileadmin/user_upload/Events/Veroeffentlichungen/20240516_Technologievergleich_AEL_PEMEL_final.pdf; letzter Zugriff: 28.02.2025
  • Knorr J. (BMW, EES), Hsiao H. (BMW), Adam A. (BMW), Rödl B. (BMW), Waldmann T. (ZSW, HIU, Univ. Ulm), Hölzle M., Danzer M.A. (EES, BayBatt); Lithium trapping induced memory effect of Gr/SiOx blend anodes in lithium-ion batteries subjected to repeated partial cycling; Journal of Power Sources 629 (2025) 235936, publ. 2024; https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jpowsour.2024.235936
  • Kodalle T. (LBNL), Malekshahi M. (Uni Stuttg.-IPV, FZJ), Goudreau M. (LBNL), Roy R. (Uni Stuttg.-IPV), Kot M. (BTU), Briesenick S. (LBNL, Univ. Montreal), Zohdi M. (Uni Stuttg.-IPV), Rai M. (Uni Stuttg.-IPV), Tamura N. (LBNL), Flege J. (BTU), Hempel W., Sutter-Fella C. (LBNL), Saliba M. (Uni Stuttg.-IPV, FZJ); An integrated deposition and passivation strategy for controlled crystallization of 2D/3D halide perovskite films; Advanced Materials, Vol. 36, Issue 24 (2024); https://doi.org/10.1002/adma.202309154
  • Lamy C. (ICGM, Montpellier), Jörissen L.; Fuel Cells – Fuel Cells With Liquid Fuels | Direct Alcohol Fuel Cells: Overview; Encyclopedia of Electrochemical Power Sources, 2nd Ed. Vol. 5, pp. 785-805. (2024); https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-323-96022-9.00329-7
  • Löw M., Maroni F., Zaubitzer S., Dongmo S., Marinaro M.; Nucleation Mechanisms of Electrodeposited Magnesium on Metal Substrates; Batteries & Supercaps (2024), e202400250; https://doi.org/10.1002/batt.202400250
  • Maiberg M. (MLU), Song C. (MLU), Morawski M. (MLU), Neduck F. (MLU), Kempa H. (MLU), Damm J. (MLU), Hariskos D., Witte W., Scheer R. (MLU); Toward digital twins by one-dimensional simulation of thin-film solar cells: Cu(In,Ga)Se2 as an example; Physical Review Applied, Vol. 21, 034051 (2024); https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevApplied.21.034051
  • Mancini M., Hoffmann M.F., Martin J., Weirather-Köstner D., Axmann P., Wohlfahrt-Mehrens M.; A proof-of-concept of direct recycling of anode and cathode active materials: From spent batteries to performance in new Li-ion cells; Journal of Power Sources 595 (2024), 233997; https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jpowsour.2023.233997
  • Nisar U., Bansmann J. (Univ. Ulm), Hebel M., Reichel B. (NMI), Mancini M., Wohlfahrt-Mehrens M., Hölzle M., Axmann P.; Borate modified Co-free LiNi0.5Mn1.5O4 cathode material: A pathway to superior interface and cycling stability in LNMO/graphite full-cells; Chemical Engineering Journal 493 (2024) 152416; https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cej.2024.152416
  • Nisar U., Klein F., Pfeifer C., Wohlfahrt-Mehrens M., Hölzle M., Axmann P.; Elucidating the nature of secondary phases in LiNi0.5Mn1.5O4 cathode materials using correlative Raman-SEM microscopy; Energy Storage Materials 74 (2025) 103905, publ. 2024; https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ensm.2024.103905
  • Nisar U., Reichel B. (NMI), Mundszinger M. (Univ. Ulm), Wohlfahrt-Mehrens M., Hölzle M., Axmann P.; Tailoring Co-Free LiNi0.5Mn1.5O4 Material for High-Voltage Lithium-Ion Batteries: Particle Design & Grain Boundary Engineering; Advanced Energy Materials Vol. 14, Issue 43 (2024), 2403024; https://doi.org/10.1002/aenm.202403024
  • Paarmann S. (KIT, ISEA, JARA-Energy, Imperial College London), Schreiber M. (TUM), Chahbaz A. (ISEA, JARA-Energy), Hildenbrand F. (ISEA, JARA-Energy), Stahl G. (ISEA, JARA-Energy), Rogge M. (TUM), Dechent P. (ISEA, JARA-Energy, Oxford Eng.), Queisser O. (KIT), Frankl S.D. (EES, ZSW), Morales Torricos P. (THI), Lu Y. (RWTH), Nikolov N.I. (RWTH), Kateri M. (RWTH), Sauer D.U. (ISEA, JARA-Energy, HI MS, E.ON ERC), Danzer, M.A. (ZSW, EES), Wetzel Th. (KIT), Endisch Ch. (THI), Lienkamp M. (TUM), Jossen A. (ZSW, TUM), Lewerenz M. (THI); Short-Term Tests, Long-Term Predictions - Accelerating Ageing Characterisation of Lithium-Ion Batteries; Batteries & Supercaps Volume 7, Issue 11 (2024); https://doi.org/10.1002/batt.202300594
  • Paetel S.; Höchsteffiziente CIGS-Zellen und Module durch verbesserte Kristallqualität und eine innovative Gestaltung des pn-Übergangs (ODIN CIGS); Öffentlicher Abschlussbericht, TIB Hannover, 2024
  • Paetzold U.W. (KIT), Glunz S. (ISE), Hermle M. (ISE), Khenkin M. (HZB), Ulbrich C. (HZB), Paetel S., Peibst R. (ISFH); Fortschritte und Herausforderungen der Perowskit-Tandem-Photovoltaik auf dem Weg zur Marktreife; FVEE Jahrestagung 2024 Manuskriptband „Die Energiewende mit Forschung beschleunigen“
  • Pfeiffer L. F., Dillenz M. (Univ. Ulm), Burgard N., Beran P. (CAS CZ, ERIC SWE), Roscher D. (HIU, KIT), Zarrabeitia M. (HIU, KIT), Drews P., Hervoches C. (CAS CZ), Mikhailova D. (IFW), Omar A. (IFW), Baran V. (DESY), Paul N. (TUM), Sotoudeh M. (Univ. Ulm), Busch M. (Luleå Univ. of Tech., SWE), Wohlfahrt-Mehrens M., Groß A. (Univ. Ulm), Passerini S. (HIU, KIT), Axmann P.; From structure to electrochemistry: the influence of transition metal ordering on Na+/vacancy orderings in P2-type NaxMO2 cathode materials for sodium-ion batteries; Journal of Materials Chemistry A (2025), publ. 2024; https://doi.org/10.1039/D4TA04786A
  • Pivarníková I. (TUM), Flügel M., Paul N. (TUM), Cannavo A. (NPI CZ), Ceccio G. (NPI CZ), Vacík J. (NPI CZ), Müller-Buschbaum P. (TUM), Wohlfahrt-Mehrens M. (ZSW, HIU), Gilles R. (TUM), Waldmann T. (ZSW, HIU); Observation of preferential sputtering of Si/graphite anodes from Li-ion cells by GD-OES and its validation by neutron depth profiling; Journal of Power Sources 594 (2024) 233972; https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jpowsour.2023.233972
  • Prasad M. (DLR, HIU), Hein S. (DLR, HIU), Danner T. (DLR, HIU), Prifling B. (Univ. Ulm), Scurtu R., Hoffmann A., Hilger A. (HZB), Osenberg M. (HZB), Manke I. (HZB), Wohlfahrt-Mehrens M., Schmidt V., Latz A.; Influence of Conductive Additives and Binder on the Impedance of Lithium-Ion Battery Electrodes: Effect of an Inhomogeneous Distribution; Journal of The Electrochemical Society 171 (2024), 100518; https://doi.org/10.1149/1945-7111/ad81b9
  • Sala J. (Uni Hasselt), Vishwanathreddy S. (IMO-IMOMEC), Tutundzic M. (IMO-IMOMEC), Wessendorf C., Ahlswede E., Aernouts T. (IMO-IMOMEC), Poortmans J. (KU Leuven), Daenen M. (IMEC); A 2D Simulation-Assisted Investigation of a Low Breakdown Voltage Module; Solar Rapid Research Letters, Vol. 8, Issue 5, 2400338 (2024); https://doi.org/10.1002/solr.202400338
  • Sbrascini L. (Univ. Camerino, KIT), Sarapulova A. (KIT), Gauckler C., Gehrlein L. (KIT), Jeschull F. (KIT), Akçay T. (KIT), Mönig R. (KIT), Marinaro M., Nobili F. (Univ. Camerino, GISEL), Dsoke S. (KIT, ALU, ISE); Effect of Presodiation Additive on Structural and Interfacial Stability of Hard Carbon| P2-Na0.66Mn0.75Ni0.2Mg0.05O2 Full Cell; Batteries & Supercaps, Vol. 7, Issue 12 (2024), e202400207; https://doi.org/10.1002/batt.202400207
  • Scheck V., Scurtu R., Innocenti A., Carbonari G., Hoffmann A., Hölzle M., Axmann P., Wohlfahrt-Mehrens M.; Laser-structured anodes for high-power lithium-ion batteries: A journey from coin cells to 21700-type cylindrical cells; Journal of Power Sources 2024, Vol. 624 (2024), 235528; https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jpowsour.2024.235528
  • Schmid M. A. (ZSW, cellcentric), Kaczerowski J., Wilhelm F., Scholta J., Müller B. (BMW), Hölzle M.; Aging Effects Observed in Automotive Fuel Cell Stacks by Applying a New Realistic Test Protocol and Humidity Control; Fuel Cells Special Issue EFCF2023 - Special Issue on “Fuel Cells, Electrolyzers & Electrochemical Reactors, CO2 Emission Reduction & Reuse”, Vol. 24, Issue 5 (2024), e202300227; https://doi.org/10.1002/fuce.202300227
  • Schüttoff M., Wachtel Ch. (Audi), Schlumberger R. (Audi), Wilhelm F., Scholta J., Hölzle M.; Development of Accelerated Durability Test Protocols for Polymer ElectrolyteMembrane Fuel Cell Stacks Under Realistic Operating Conditions; Fuel Cells SPECIAL ISSUE EFCF2023 - Special Issue on “Fuel Cells, Electrolyzers & Electrochemical Reactors, CO2 Emission Reduction & Reuse”, Vol. 24, Issue 5 (2024), e202300263; https://doi.org/10.1002/fuce.202300263
  • Sharma D. (INL), Nicoara N. (INL), Jackson P., Witte W., Hariskos D., Sadewasser S. (INL); Charge-carrier-concentration inhomogeneities in alkali-treated Cu(In,Ga)Se2 revealed by conductive atomic force microscopy tomography; Nature Energy, Vol. 9, pp.163-171 (2024); http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/s41560-023-01420-7
  • Sommer A. (TUM), Bazlen S., Tran H.-Y., Leeb M. (TUM), Wachter J. (TUM), Braunwarth W., Daub R. (TUM); Integration of an electrode sheet-based traceability system into the manufacturing process of lithium-ion battery cells; Energy Technologies, Vol. 12, Issue 6 (2024); https://doi.org/10.1002/ente.202301221
  • Sommer A. (TUM), Gruhn H. (TU BS), Schoo A. (TU BS), Mund M. (TU BS), Bazlen S., Tran H.-Y., Kandula M.W. (TU BS), Dilger K. (TU BS), Braunwarth W., Daub R. (TUM, FhG-IGCV); Enabling Holistic Tracking and Tracing in Battery Cell Production: Marking Technologies and Identification; MediaTUM; https://doi.org/10.14459/2024mp1764299
  • Song C.-Y. (MLU), Maiberg M. (MLU), Kempa H. (MLU), Witte W., Hariskos D., Abou-Ras D. (HZB), Moeller B. (MLU), Scheer R. (MLU), Gholinia A. (Univ. of Manchester); A new approach to three-dimensional microstructure reconstruction of a polycrystalline solar cell using high efficiency Cu(In,Ga)Se2; Scientific Reports, Vol. 14, 2036 (2024); https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-024-52436-2
  • Spörl K. (Bosch), Liedtke R. (Univ. Ulm), Hölzle M.; Optimal energy management in fuel cell light commercial vehicles towards aging-reduced operation for different degrees of hybridization; Energy Conversion and Management, Vol. 325, 119386 (2025; publ. 2024); https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enconman.2024.119386
  • Staiß F., Adolf J. (Shell), Ausfelder F. (SCEB), Erdmann C. (Messer), Fischedick M. (WI), Hebling C. (ISE), Jordan T. (KIT), Klepper G. (IfW), Müller T. (FEEL), Palkowits R. (RWTH), Poganietz W. (KIT), Schill W.-P. (DIW), Schmidt M., Stephanos C. (ESYS), Stöcker P. (RWTH), Wagner U. (TUM), Westphal K. (H2Global), Wurbs S. (ESYS); Options for importing green hydrogen into Germany by 2030: Transportation routes, country assessments and implementation requirements; Academies' Project "Energy Systems of the Future" (ESYS), Vol. 137 (2024); https://doi.org/10.48669/esys_2024-4
  • Thomas S. (HZB), Witte W., Hariskos D., Gutzler R., Paetel S., Song C.-Y. (MLU), Kempa H. (MLU), Maiberg M. (MLU), Abou-Ras D. (HZB); Role of Ag Addition on the Microscopic Material Properties of (Ag,Cu)(In,Ga)Se2 Absorbers and Their Effects on Losses in the Open-Circuit Voltage of Corresponding Devices; Progress in Photovoltaics, Vol. 32, 930 (2024); https://doi.org/10.1002/pip.3845
  • Thomas S. (HZB), Witte W., Hariskos D., Paetel S., Song C.-Y. (MLU), Kempa H. (MLU), Maiberg M. (MLU), El-Ganainy N. (HZB), Abou-Ras D. (PVcomB); Effect of Ga Variation on the Bulk and Grain-Boundary Properties of Cu(In,Ga)Se2 Absorbers in Thin-Film Solar Cells and Their Impacts on Open-Circuit Voltage Losses; Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications, Vol. 33, Issue 2 (2024); https://doi.org/10.1002/pip.3843
  • Turren-Cruz S. (INAM), Pascual J. (Kyoto Univ.), Hu S. (Kyoto Univ.), Sanchez-Diaz J. (INAM), Galve-Lahoz S. (INAM), Liu W. (Kyoto Univ.), Hempel W., Chirvony V. (ICMUV), Martinez-Pastor J. (ICUMUV), Boix P. (ICMUV), Wakamiya A. (Kyoto Univ.), Mora-Seró I. (INAM); Multicomponent approach for stable methylammonium-free tin-lead perovskite solar cells; ACS Energy Letters 2024, 9, Issue 2, pp. 432–441 (2024); https://doi.org/10.1021/acsenergylett.3c02426
  • Wahl T., Hanisch J., Ahlswede E., Becker J.-P.; Influence of the electron transport layer coating technique on sputter damage and its curing in inverted semi-transparent perovskite solar cells without protective buffer layer; Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, Volume 271 (2024), 112825; https://doi.org/10.1016/j.solmat.2024.112825
  • Waldmann T. (ZSW, HIU), Hogrefe C., Flügel M., Pivarníková I. (TUM), Weisenberger C. (HS Aalen), Delz E. (HS Aalen), Bolsinger M. (HS Aalen), Boveleth L. (HIU, DLR), Paul N. (TUM), Kasper M., Feinauer M., Schäfer R., Bischof K., Danner T. (HIU, DLR), Knoblauch V. (HS Aalen), Müller-Buschbaum P. (TUM), Gilles R. (TUM), Latz A. (HIU, DLR, Univ. Ulm), Hölzle M., Wohlfahrt-Mehrens M. (ZSW, HIU); Efficient workflows for detecting Li depositions in Lithium-ion batteries; Journal of The Electrochemical Society 171 (2024) 070526; https://doi.org/10.1149/1945-7111/ad5ef8
  • Wessendorf C., Held M. (Fh-IBP); Status of PV Module Take-Back and Recycling in Germany 2024; Report IEA PVPS Task 12; ISBN 978-3-907281-48-2
  • Winkler L. M., Kabza A., Danzer M. A., Palm H.: Framework for the Multi-Objective Optimization of Hybrid Fuel Cell System Design and Operation; IEEE Access, Vol. 12, pp. 191773-191789 (2024); https://doi.org/10.1109/ACCESS.2024.3516142
  • Witte W., Hariskos D., Gutzler R., Mainz R. (HZB), Abou-Ras D. (HZB), Thomas S. (HZB), Scheer R. (MLU), Kempa H. (MLU), Maiberg M. (MLU), Albe K. (TU Da), Mock M. (TU Da), Ghorbani E. (TU Da), Karanikolas V. (TU Da), Perera D. (TU Da), Hetterich M. (KIT-LTI), Heske C. (KIT-ITCP), Hauschild D. (KIT-ITCP), Weinhardt L. (KIT-ITCP), Pyatenko E. (KIT-ITCP), Blankenship M. (KIT-ITCP), Gerthsen D. (KIT-LEM), Schneider R. (KIT-LEM), Jin X. (KIT-LEM), Cojocaru-Mirédin O. (ALU), Karami A. (ALU) ; Hocheffiziente Cu(In,Ga)(S,Se)2-Dünschichtsolarzellen und-module durch Verbesserung der Funktionsschichten und Grenzflächen (Verbundprojekts EFFCIS-II); Öffentlicher Gesamt-Abschlussbericht, TIB Hannover, 2024
  • Wohlfahrt-Mehrens M., Waldmann T.; Lithium Batteries – Lithium Secondary Batteries – Li-ion Battery | Aging Mechanisms and Lifetime Predictions; In: Garche, J. (eds.) Encyclopedia of Electrochemical Power Sources, 2nd Edition. vol. 4, pp. 412-425 (2025; publ. 2024); https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-323-96022-9.00307-8
  • Wolf P., Kudic M., Buchmann T.; Digitalization and the Emergence of E-Mobility Technology in German Regions: Exploring the Initial Appearance of Patent-Based and Funded-Project-Based Collaboration Events; Journal of Innovation Economics & Management, 45(3), pp. 1-28 (2024); https://doi.org/10.3917/jie.pr1.0170
  • Wolf P.; Network Transformation during Technological Regime Change: The Case of the German Automotive Research Network; Journal of Innovation Economics & Management, 44(2), pp. 161-190 (2024); https://doi.org/10.3917/jie.pr1.0158
  • Zargar F. (IMO-IMOMEC), Desta D. (IMO-IMOMEC), Mertens S. (IMO-IMOMEC), van Landeghem M. (IMO-IMOMEC), Hamtaei S. (IMO-IMOMEC), Prooth J. (IMO-IMOMEC), Zillner J., Hahjhemati J. (IPVF), Safari M. (IMO-IMOMEC), Hardy A. (IMO-IMOMEC), Schulz P. (IPVF), Ahlswede E., Vermang B. (IMO-IMOMEC), Vandewal K. (IMO-IMOMEC), Boyena H.-G. (IMO-IMOMEC); Charge transfer states at the Fullerene interface cause Non radiatiative recombination losses in Sn-based perovskite solar cells; ACS Applied Materials Interfaces 2024, Vol.7, Issue 9, pp. 3618-3626 (2024); https://doi.org/10.1021/acsaem.3c03086

Veröffentlichungen auf wissenschaftlichen Konferenzen, Workshops und Symposien

  • Abd-El-Latif A.A., Feinauer M., Sichler P., Wohlfahrt-Mehrens M., Waldmann T.; Insights into the detection of gas emissions from lithium ion batteries using mass spectrometry; Kraftwerk Batterie, Münster, 09.-11.04.2024
  • Ahlswede E., Hanisch J., Wahl T., Salomon O., Wessendorf C., Paetel S., Powalla M.; Key developments for the industrialization of perovskite photovoltaics; 41st European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition, Wien, 23.-27.09.2024
  • Ahlswede E.; Perovskite solar cells: A game changer in PV technology? Tandem structures and flexible devices; Intersolar 2024 Side Event, Munich, 20.06.2024
  • Axmann P., Hölzle M., Wohlfahrt-Mehrens M.; Cathode Materials Pilot-Plant “Powder-Up!” – Ready for Operation; International Battery Production Conference (IBPC), Braunschweig, 27.-29.11.2024
  • Axmann P., Hölzle M.; Natrium-Ionen-Batterien: Stand der Technik, Herausforderungen und Perspektiven; Batterieforum Deutschland, Berlin, 24.-26.01.2024
  • Axmann P., Pfeiffer L. F., Wohlfahrt-Mehrens M.; P2-NaxMn1-yNiyO2 cathode materials with controlled particle architecture and their aging phenomena; 5th International Sodium Battery Symposium 2024, Berlin
  • Banifarsi S., Abd-El-Latif A.A., Hölzle M., Wohlfahrt-Mehrens M.; Dilation Investigation of Si-rich Anode Under External Mechanical Pressure; Kraftwerk Batterie, Münster, 09.-11.04.2024
  • Battran F., Ahlswede E., Wahl T., Müller D., Geschonke C., Powalla M.; Sequentially hybrid vacuum-processed multi-cation halide perovskite; 41st European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition, Wien, 23.-27.09.2024, und Diamond-Horizon Perovskite Seminar, Freiburg, 15.-17.04.2024
  • Battran F., Ahlswede E., Wahl T., Müller D., Geschonke C., Schupeta A., Powalla M.; Sequentially hybrid vacuum-processed multi-cation halide perovskite; 41st European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition, Wien, 23.-27.09.2024 und EU PVSEC 2024 und Diamond-Horizon Perovskite Seminar, Freiburg, 15.-17.04.2024
  • Becker-Koch D., Tran H.Y., Studer G., Braunwarth W.; Digital shadowing in industrial electrode coating: Preparing process parameter prediction; International Battery Production Conference (IBPC), Braunschweig, 27.-29.11.2024
  • Bischof K., Flügel M., Hölzle M., Wohlfahrt-Mehrens M., Waldmann T.; Calendar aging behavior of Si/graphite anodes in Li-ion full cells; Kraftwerk Batterie, Münster, 09.-11.04.2024
  • Bischof K., Marangon V. (HIU, KIT), Kasper M., Aracil Regalado A., Keppeler M., Wohlfahrt-Mehrens M., Hölzle M., Bresser D. (HIU, KIT), Waldmann T.; Insights into the cell design and the performance metrics of commercial cylindrical sodium-ion battery cells in comparison to lithium-ion technology; 5th International Sodium Battery Symposium 2024, Berlin
  • Bischof K., Marangon V. (HIU, KIT), Kasper M., Aracil Regalado A., Wohlfahrt-Mehrens M., Hölzle M., Bresser D. (HIU, KIT), Waldmann T.; Analysis of commercial sodium-ion cells and comparison with lithium-ion technology; Kraftwerk Batterie 2024, Münster, 09.-11.04.2024
  • Blessing M., Braunwarth W.; Analyzing the format-specific transferability of accelerated formation strategies on different types of large-scale format li-ion battery cells; Batterieforum Deutschland, Berlin, 24.-26.01.2024
  • Brimaud S., Brega A., Ripa M., Thimm O., Jörissen L.; Applied electrochemistry for the maturation of fuel cell technology; International Society of Electrochemistry (ISE) 37th topical meeting, Stresa/Italy, 09.-13.06.2024
  • Brimaud S.; Perspective for the reversible chemical storage of elctrical energy in Zinc-based batteries; Intersolar Munich, Off-Grid Session: Storage Systems & Sector Coupling, Munich, 19.06.2024
  • Buchmann T., Wolf P., Klingler M.; Future CO2 Supply and Demand for Carbon Capture and Utilization (CCU) and the potential role of DAC; International Energy Workshop 42nd EDITION, 26.-28.06.2025
  • Demling A. (HZB), Gutzler R., Alves C. (INL), Wilks R. (HZB), Hariskos D., Cerqueira R. (INL), Witte W., Sadewasser S. (INL), Baer M. (HZB); Impact of a thin sacrificial Mo layer on the formation of the wide-gap ACIGSe/ITO interface; 2024 MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit, Boston, 01.-06.12.2024
  • Einhaus R., Kriening J., Engel M., Geyer D., Helder T., Wirth H.; Test und Bewertung verschiedener Verkapselungsmaterialien für lange PV-Modul-Nutzungsdauer von 40 Jahren - PV 40 Plus Projekt; 39. PV-Symposium, Bad Staffelstein, 27.-29.02.2024
  • Feinauer M., Gerosa G., Wohlfahrt-Mehrens M., Hölzle M., Waldmann T.; Temperature-Driven Path Dependence during cyclic aging of Li-Ion Batteries; Kraftwerk Batterie, Münster, 09.-11.04.2024
  • Feinauer M., Gerosa G., Wohlfahrt-Mehrens M., Hölzle M., Waldmann T.; Cycling Temperature Path Optimization for Enhanced Second-Use Performance of Li-Ion Batteries; Batterieforum Deutschland, Berlin, 24.-26.01.2024
  • Fonoll Rubio R. (IREC), Rotaru V. (IREC), Vidal-Fuentes P. (IREC), Govinda L. (AIT), Ginner L. (AIT), Motschi A. (AIT), Paetel S., Stanik K. (Saule), Wojciechowski K. (Saule), Spinelli P. (Saule), Becerill-Romer I. (IREC), lzquierdo-Roca V. (IREC), Guc M. (IREC); Optical Inspection Approach for In-Line Industrial Monitoring of Nano and micrometric layers quality in thin film photovoltaics technologies; 41st European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition, Wien, 23.-27.09.2024
  • Gerosa G., Feinauer M., Wörz M., Wohlfahrt-Mehrens M., Böse O., Waldmann T.; Safety Assessment of Lithium Plating in lithium-ion batteries for use in Second-Life Applications; Kraftwerk Batterie, Münster, 09.-11.04.2024
  • Gutzler R., Hariskos D., Kanevce A., Spiering S., Paetel S., Witte W.; Towards 1 V open-circuit voltage with 1.5 eV band gap (Ag,Cu)(In,Ga)Se2; 41st European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition, Wien, 23.-27.09.2024
  • Gutzler R., Hariskos D., Paetel S., Witte W.; The path to integration of transparent back contacts in an industrial Cu(In,Ga)Se2 deposition process; 2024 Fall Meeting of the European Materials Research Society (E-MRS), Warsaw, 16.-19.09.2024
  • Hariskos D., Hempel W., Gutzler R., Paetel S., Witte W.; Impact of absorber composition on performance of Cu(In,Ga)Se2 solar cells with sputtered In2S3:Na buffers; 2024 Fall Meeting of the European Materials Research Society (E-MRS), Warsaw, 16.-19.09.2024
  • Hauschild D. (KIT), Both L. (KIT), Steininger R. (KIT), Wansorra C. (KIT), Blankenship M. (KIT), Witte W., Gutzler R., Hariskos D., Powalla M., Heske C. (KIT) Weinhardt L. (KIT); Combined soft and hard X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy for a depth-resolved view of the chemical and electronic structure in (Ag,Cu)(In,Ga)Se2 thin-film solar cells; 10th International Conference on Hard X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (HAXPES 2024), Pilsen, 04.-07.06.2024
  • Häußler F., Wiedemann B., Bergbreiter C., Schneider S., König L., Cerne B., Keller E., Wilhelm F., Scholta J., Jörissen L.; ZSW HyFaB Generic Stack: state-of-the-art and open PEM fuel cell stack platform, Veröffentlichung auf der EU-Plattform Zenodo, 11/2024; https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.14223364
  • Heider E., Bayer M., Österlein M., Jörissen L.; Influence of microwave drying on electrochemical performance and morphology of cathode catalyst layers for PEM fuel cells; 75th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry, Montreal, 18-23 August 2024, und 246th PRiME Meeting of the Electrochemical Society 2024, Honolulu, 06.-11.10.2024
  • Heider E., Österlein M., Balint A. (Riva Power Systems), Mehlhorn M. (Riva Power Systems), Chromik A. (Riva Power Systems), Scholta J.; Graded catalyst layers for high-temperature polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells; Fuel Cells Gordon Research Conference, Smithfield, 28.07.-02.08.2024
  • Heider E., Österlein M., Bayer M., Tran H.A., Jörissen L.; Effect of high boiling dispersant additives on the morphology and performance of catalyst layers for polymer electrolyte fuel cells; 245th ECS Meeting, San Francisco, 26.-30.05.2024 und 246th PRiME Meeting of the Electrochemical Society 2024, Honolulu, 06.-11.10.2024
  • Hempel W., Wahl T., Magorian Friedlmeier T., Ahlswede E., Hanisch J.; Comparison of different deposition procedures of SAMs on their distribution in perovskite solar cell by ToF-SIMS; ECASIA 2024, Gothenburg, 09.-14.06.2024
  • Hoffmann A., Röck A., Wohlfahrt-Mehrens M., Axmann P.; An industry-suited production process for LIB anodes with pre-lithiated SiO-C; International Battery Production Conference (IBPC), Braunschweig, 27.-29.11.2024
  • Hoffmann A., Scurtu R., Tran H., Braunwarth W., Böse O., Wohlfahrt-Mehrens M., Axmann P.; Key developments in LIB cell manufacturing equipment at ZSW (Germany) and its role in the European greenSPEED project; Battery Heroes Workshop, Braunschweig, 26.11.2024
  • Hoffmann M., Martin J., Axmann P., Wohlfahrt-Mehrens M., Mancini M.; From spent Lithium ion cells to performance in new cells: Direct recycling of anode and cathode active materials; Batterieforum Deutschland, Berlin, 24.-26.01.2024
  • Hogrefe C., Molinero M. B., Wildner L. (PreciPoint), Axmann P., Hölzle M., Wohlfahrt-Mehrens M., Waldmann T.; Cross-Sectional In Situ Optical Microscopy – A valuable tool to investigate (de-)lithiation characteristics of graphite electrodes in Li-ion full cells; Batterieforum Deutschland, Berlin, 24.-26.01.2024
  • Hogrefe C., Paul N. (TUM), Boveleth L. (HIU, DLR), Bolsinger M. (HS Aalen), Flügel M., Danner T. (HIU, DLR), Latz A. (DLR, HIU, Univ. Ulm), Gilles R. (TUM), Knoblauch V. (HS Aalen), Wohlfahrt-Mehrens M., Hölzle M., Waldmann T.; Insights into Lithium Redistribution Processes within Silicon-Graphite Anodes in Li-Ion full cells – an Operando and In Situ Study; International Operando Battery Days, Grenoble, 12.-14.06.2024
  • Hogrefe C., Paul N. (TUM), Boveleth L. (HIU, DLR), Bolsinger M. (HS Aalen), Flügel M., Danner T. (HIU, DLR), Latz A. (DLR, HIU, Univ. Ulm), Gilles R. (TUM), Knoblauch V. (HS Aalen), Wohlfahrt-Mehrens M., Hölzle M., Waldmann T.; Operando and In Situ Study on the Lithium Redistribution within Silicon-Graphite Composite Electrodes in Li-Ion Full Cells; Advanced Battery Power Conference, Münster, 10.-11.04.2024 und Kraftwerk Batterie, Münster, 09.-11.04.2024
  • Hogrefe C., Wohlfahrt-Mehrens M., Hölzle M., Waldmann T.; Zerstörungsfreie Prüfung von Li-Ionenbatterien mittels neutronenbasierter und komplementärer Methoden; TUM-Expertenforum 2024, Munich
  • Hölzle M.; Batteriematerialien heute - Fakten, Trends, Risiken und Innovationen; Batterieforum Deutschland, Berlin, 24.-26.01.2024
  • Hölzle M.; Edelmetalle in der Energiewende – nobel wird die Welt gerettet; 9. Expertenworkshop Edelmetalle – Das Anwenderforum Edelmetalle in der Energie- und Mobilitätswende, Berlin, 20.03.2024
  • Hölzle M.; From East to West - Future Hydrogen flow along the Danube; Developing a Supply-Chain for green Hydrogen along the Danube; Internationale Donaukonferenz Ulm; 08.07.2024
  • Hölzle M.; From manufacture to series production: production research for PEM fuel cells; 15th Short Course - Coating and Drying of Thin Films, TFT Forum, KIT & TFT Group; 07.06.2024
  • Hölzle M.; Hydrogen's crucial role in shaping Europe's sustainable energy future; 26. GDCH Frühjahrssymposium, Universität Ulm, 15.03.2024
  • Hölzle M.; Wohin entwickelt sich die Batterieindustrie in Deutschland?; Vortragsreihe der Württ. Landesbibliothek Stuttgart „Batterien?!“, Landesbibliothek Stuttgart, 12.06.2024; https://doi.org/10.5446/68228
  • Huschenhöfer, D.; Prognosebasiertes EV-Laden bei einem Firmen-PV-Carport – Studie zur zukünftigen Nutzung sowie gesteuertem Laden zur Vermeidung von Lastspitzen und erhöhtem Eigenverbrauch; 39. PV-Symposium, Bad Staffelstein, 27.-29.02.2024
  • Innocenti A., Scheck V., Scurtu R.-G., Hoffmann A., Axmann P.; Benefits and challenges of the laser structuring of nickel-rich cathodes for lithium-ion batteries; Kraftwerk Batterie 2024, Münster, 09.-11.04.2024
  • Jägle K., Weirather W., Weirather-Köstner D., Scurtu M., Zampini E., Axmann P.; Up scaling of pCAM synthesis from a 1-l into a 10-l Taylor-reactor for Ni-rich NMC and application of a water based surface modification process; Batterieforum Deutschland, Berlin, 24.-26.01.2024
  • Kabza A.; Brennstoffzelle – ein Überblick; TAE-Symposium Perspektiven der Wasserstoff und Brennstoffzellen-Technologie, Ostfildern, 07.11.2024
  • Kabza A.; Upscaling of fuel cell testing facility to industry-driven R&D; Hannover-Messe 2024 Technical Forum Hydrogen + Fuel Cells Europe
  • Kanevce A., Gutzler R., Paetel S. Bagrowski D., Hariskos D., Magorian Friedlmeier T.; Design considerations of Cu(In,Ga)Se2 as bottom cell in a tandem structure; 41st European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition, Wien, 23.-27.09.2024
  • Kaur K. (Univ. Luxembg.), Valluvar Oli A. (Univ. Luxembg.), Melchiorre M. (Univ. Luxembg.), Keller J. (Univ. Uppsala), Hempel W., Witte W., Siebentritt S. (Univ. Luxembg.); Near 13% efficient wide-bandgap Cu(In,Ga)S2 solar cells with ITO back contact; 52nd IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, Seattle, 09.-14.06.2024
  • Kaur K. (Univ. of Luxembg.), Valluvar Oli A. (Univ. of Luxembg.), Melchiorre M. (Univ. of Luxembg.), Hempel W., Witte W., Keller J. (Uppsala Univ.), Siebentritt S. (Univ. of Luxembg.); Semitransparent wide-gap Cu(In,Ga)S2 solar cells for tandem architecture; 2024 Fall Meeting of the European Materials Research Society (E-MRS), Warsaw, 16.-19.09.2024
  • Keppeler M.; Materials integration into devices - From fundamentals to industry-relevant lithium-ion battery cells; 6th MCIC - Materials Chain International Conference, Bochum, 12.09.2024
  • Khenkin M. (HZB), Remec M. (HZB), Erdil U. (HZB), Scheler F. (HZB), Emery Q. (HZB), Wessendorf C., Ahlswede E., Dager J. (HZB), Albrecht S. (HZB), Unger E. (Lund Univ.), Schlatmann R. (HZB), Ulbrich C. (HZB); Perovskite PV outdoors: from single-junction single cells to mini-modules and tandems; 41st European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition, Wien, 23.-27.09.2024
  • Klar N., Gifary N., Ziegler F., Sehnke F., Price E. (Univ. Stuttgart), Ahmad A. (Univ. Stuttgart), Kaifel A.; BirdRecorder's AI on sky - A technical report - Safeguarding birds of prey by detection and classification of tiny objects around wind turbines; ICANN 2024 - 33rd International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks, Lugano, 17.-20.09.2024
  • Klass L., Holz L., König L., Kabza A., Sehnke F., Strecker K., Hölzle M.; Big Brother is Watching You: Leveraging Artificial Intelligence for Automated Fuel Cell Monitoring (Technical Report); 246th PRiME Meeting of the Electrochemical Society 2024, Honolulu, 06.-11.10.2024; https://doi.org/10.1149/11405.0645ecst
  • Klass L., Holz L., König L., Kabza A., Sehnke F., Strecker K., Hölzle M.; Bootcamp for Neural Networks: Boost neural network training using physical simulation models and transfer learning for fuel cell operation monitoring; ModVal 2024, Baden (CH), 13.-14.03.2024
  • Knoblauch V. (HS Aalen), Weisenberger C. (HS Aalen), Both S. (KIT), Lindner A. (KIT), Delz E. (HS Aalen), Kukla K. (cellforce), Danner T. (HIU, DLR), Menesklou W. (KIT), Waldmann T., Latz A. (DLR, HIU, Univ. Ulm), Wohlfahrt-Mehrens M.; Unravelling Effects of Microstructural Electrode Architecture on Cell Performance and Aging - a Combined Experimental and Simulation-Based Study on Commercial 21700 Lithium-Ion High-Energy Cells; 245th ECS Meeting, San Francisco, 26.-30.05.2024
  • König L., Klass L., Scholta J., Wilhelm F.; Predicting the performance of real fuel cells with a fast MATLAB model; ModVal 2024, Baden (CH), 13.-14.03.2024; https://doi.org/10.3929/ethz-b-000662523
  • König L., Messerschmidt M., Grünzweig A., Basin P., Scholta J.; Electrical TP-resistance measurement at gas diffusion layers (GDL) for PEMFCs - Separation of bulk and contact resistances (Poster); 245th ECS Meeting, San Francisco, 26.-30.05.2024; https://doi.org/10.1149/MA2024-01403100mtgabs
  • König L., Schneider S., Wilhelm F., Scholta J., Hölzle M.; Revisiting the gas diffusion layer water inventory - From micro to macro scale for modern GDLs; 246th PRiME Meeting of the Electrochemical Society 2024, Honolulu, 06.-11.10.2024; https://doi.org/10.1149/MA2024-02442970mtgabs
  • León C. D. (ZIRIUS), Püttner A.; Akteurskonflikte in Energiewendeszenarien beschreiben und bewerten; Workshop im Rahmen des Forschungsnetzwerktreffens Energiesystemanalyse Berlin, 18.04.2024
  • Löffler M.-S., Kindl V., Spieth P., Ottitsch T.; Electrodes for Alkaline Electrolyzers; Mission Hydrogen Webinar, 06.11.2024
  • Löffler M.-S., Schmidt M.; Electrolysis made in Baden-Württemberg – supporting the local industry in the market ramp-up; SPÄIN * The LÄND „Science meets Industry – Hydrogen”, ZSW Ulm, 10.12.2024
  • Löffler M.-S., Schmidt M.; Energiewende und Wasserstoffrevolution – Herausforderung und Chance für den Maschinenbau; Perspektiven des Maschinenbaus in Baden-Württemberg, Esslingen, 11.04.2024
  • Löffler M.-S., Vollmer R., Zuberbühler U., Thaler S., Roth D.; Direct Air Capture - Technology status and challenges in technology scaling; 11th International Engine Congress 2024, Baden-Baden, 27.02.2024
  • Löffler M.-S.; Direct Air Capture (DAC) – Entwicklungsstand und Perspektiven der DAC-Technologien; Berliner Energietage 2024, 17.04.2024
  • Ludwig T.; Efficient and Durable Alkaline Electrolysers: A Comprehensive Development Approach Illustrated by the ENDURE Project; 7th Industry workshop advanced alkaline electrolysis, IFAM, 26.09.2024
  • Lukas S., Tran H.-Y., Bruglachner H., Braunwarth W.; Secondary drying before cell assembly via vacuum oven and roll-to-roll dryer; Kraftwerk Batterie, Münster, 09.-11.04.2024
  • Maiberg M. (MLU), Song C.-Y. (MLU), Morawski M. (MLU), Neduk F. (MLU), Damm J. (MLU), Kempa H. (MLU), Hariskos D., Witte W., Scheer R. (MLU); Towards digital twins by one-dimensional simulation of thin-film solar cells on the example of Cu(In,Ga)Se2; 41st European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition, Wien, 23.-27.09.2024
  • Mancini M., Martin J., Hoffmann M., Axmann P.; Electrochemical performance of recycled anode and cathode active materials; International Society of Electrochemistry (ISE) 37th topical meeting, Stresa/Italy, 09.-13.06.2024
  • Mancini M., Martin J., Hoffmann M., Axmann P.; Validation Of Anode and Cathode Active Materials From Direct Recycling: Electrochemical Performance In New Li-ion Cells; Battery Recycling Summit Europe 2024, Stuttgart, 26.09.2024
  • Mancini M., Martin J., Nisar U., Axmann P.; The Role of Interface Properties on Performance, Stability and Kinetics of Anodes and Cathodes for Li-Ion Batteries; Workshop “Thin Film Technologies | Future Applications of 2.5D Materials”, Eindhoven (NL), 09.-10.04.2024
  • Marangon V. (HIU, KIT), Aracil Regalado A., Bischof K., Bresser D. (HIU, KIT), Waldmann T.; Commercial sodium-ion batteries: Insights into the cell design and electrode chemistry; International Society of Electrochemistry (ISE) 37th topical meeting, Stresa/Italy, 09.-13.06.2024
  • Marangon V. (HIU, KIT), Bischof K., Aracil Regalado A., Keppeler M., Pogosova M. (Skoltech), Wohlfahrt-Mehrens M., Hölzle M., Waldmann T., Bresser D. (HIU, KIT); Commercial sodium-ion batteries: Insights into the electrode chemistry; 5th International Sodium Battery Symposium 2024, Berlin
  • Marinaro M.; The Role of Silicon in High-Energy Li-ion Batteries; International Society of Electrochemistry (ISE) 37th topical meeting, Stresa/Italy, 09.-13.06.2024
  • Marini E., Kim C., Kostka M., Schindling J., Zosel P., Jörissen L., Hölzle M.; From death to resurrection: Revisiting the reversibility of rechargeable alkaline zinc-manganese dioxide batteries; 246th PRiME Meeting of the Electrochemical Society 2024, Honolulu, 06.-11.10.2024
  • Maroni F., Löw M., Marinaro M.; Tracking Nucleation Of Electrodeposited Magnesium; 5th International Symposium on Magnesium Batteries
  • Martin J., Oneli M., Axmann P., Mancini M.; Sustainable direct recycling of graphite active material: process, characterization and impact of thermal treatment; Direct Recycling Battery Conference 2024, Würzburg, 30.10.2024
  • Miller M. (Ohio State Univ.), Kanevce A., Baan M. (Ohio State Univ.), Kuciauskas D. (NREL), Magorian Friedlmeier T., Grassmann T. (Ohio State Univ.), Arehart A. (Ohio State Univ.); A comparison of CdS and Zn(O,S) buffer layers in (Ag,Cu)(In,Ga)Se2 solar cells; 52nd IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, Seattle, 09.-14.06.2024
  • Neumeyer J., Sperling T., Hoffmann A., Axmann P.; Preparation and characterization of extruded high-energy cathodes; Kraftwerk Batterie, Münster, 09.-11.04.2024
  • Nisar U., Mancini M., Wohlfahrt-Mehrens M., Axmann P.; Surface-Engineered LiNi0.5Mn1.5O4 Materials for Enhanced Stability in High-Voltage Lithium-Ion Batteries; Batterieforum Deutschland 2024, Berlin
  • Oneli M., Martin J., Axmann P., Mancini M.; Direct recycling from EoL cells to battery-grade cathode active materials; Direct Recycling Battery Conference 2024, Würzburg, 30.10.2024
  • Petzschmann J., Stellbogen D. Heim M.; Comparison of physical, Machine learning and hybrid models of monofacial and bifacial PV systems; 41st EUPVSEC Conference, Vienna, 23.-27.09.2024
  • Pfeiffer L., Li Y., Mundszinger M. (Univ. Ulm), Geisler J. (HU Berlin), Pfeifer C., Mikhailova D. (IFW), Omar A. (IFW), Baran V. (DESY), Biskupek J. (Univ. Ulm), Kaiser U. (Univ. Ulm), Adelhelm P. (HU Berlin, HZB), Wohlfahrt-Mehrens M., Passerini S. (HIU, KIT), Axmann P.; Aging mechanisms of P2-type NaxMnyNi 1-y O2 Cathode Materials for Sodium-Ion Batteries; Batterieforum Deutschland, Berlin, 24.-26.01.2024; Vortrag und Poster
  • Pivarníková I. (TUM), Flügel M., Paul N. (TUM), Cannavo A. (NPI CZ), Ceccio G. (NPI CZ), Vacík J. (NPI CZ), Müller-Buschbaum P. (TUM), Wohlfahrt-Mehrens M., Waldmann T., Gilles R. (TUM); Investigation of Li depth profiles in Si/graphite anodes from Li-ion battery cells via NDP and GD-OES; DPG-Tagung 2024, Berlin, 17.-22.03.2024
  • Püttner A., Krause R. (Mercedes), Fröhlich T. (ifeu); CORA: CO2-Abtrennung aus Luft für Power-to-X-Prozesse zur Sektorkopplung; https://co2-utilization.net/de/projekte/co2-als-baustein-fuer-chemische-grundstoffe/cora/, 07/2024
  • Rettenmeier A.; WINSENT – wind research test site in complex terrain to be used for wake benchmark within JAM; IEA Task Task 57 JAM, Kick-Off- Meeting, 03/2024
  • Rubio R.-F. (IREC), Rotaru V. (IREC), Govinda L. (AIT), Laurin G. (AIT), Vidal-Fuentes P. (IREC), Paetel S., Stanik K. (Saule), Wojciechowski K. (Saule), Becerril-Romero I. (IREC), Pérez-Rodriguez A. (IREC), Izquierdo-Roca V. (IREC), Guc M. (IREC); In-line compatible approach to monitor the quality of the layers in thin film technologies with high accuracy and lateral resolution; 41st European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition, Wien, 23.-27.09.2024
  • Saadat S., Mayer J., Wilhelm F.; Development of new MPL; 3rd and final DOLPHIN Workshop, Grenoble, 11.12.2024
  • Sadewasser S. (INL), Salomé P. (INL), Naghavi N. (IPVF), Witte W., Edoff M. (Uppsala Univ.), Carron R. (EMPA), Siebentritt S. (Univ. Luxembg.), Dale P. (Univ. Luxembg.), Pérez-Rodriguez A. (IREC), Scheer R. (MLU), Niemi E. (Midsummer), Zimmermann A. (Sunplugged), Morawski M. (Roltec), Spindler C. (Greendelta), Tong C. (Saint-Gobain), Borowski P. (Avancis), Tiwari A. (SOLTIWA); Hi-BITS: High efficiency bifacial thin-film chalcogenide solar cells; 2024 Fall Meeting of the European Materials Research Society (E-MRS), Warsaw, 16.-19.09.2024
  • Schäfer R., Barbosa Sá E. (HS Aalen), Kasper M., Knoblauch V. (HS Aalen), Wohlfahrt-Mehrens M., Waldmann T.; Describing Electrode Curvature in Li-ion Cells: From Theory to Experiments; Kraftwerk Batterie, Münster, 09.-11.04.2024
  • Scheck V., Innocenti A., Scurtu R.-G., Wohlfahrt-Mehrens M., Axmann P., Hölzle M.; Laser structured anodes: A journey from coin cells to 21700-type cylindrical cells; Kraftwerk Batterie 2024, Münster, 09.-11.04.2024
  • Schmidt M., Kindl V., Stürmer B., Vollmer R.; Impulsvorträge aus den Bereichen DAC, Elektrolyse und Synthese; Lehrfahrt Energiespeicherung Hochschule Rottenburg
  • Schneider S., König L., Wilhelm F., Scholta J.; Model-based optimization of gas diffusion layers material properties by CFD simulation (Poster); ModVal 2024, Baden (CH), 13.-14.03.2024; https://doi.org/10.3929/ethz-b-000662523
  • Scholta J., Fensterle E., Uhlemayr T., Schneider S., König L., Bergbreiter Ch., Wagner T.; Fuel Cell Modelling at ZSW - Performance, contaminant, 2 phase and ageing related effects employing OpenFOAM - and Matlab based solutions; Workshop "Digital Twins for Energy Transition - Modelling Electrochemical Systems", Darmstadt, 23.-25.10.2024
  • Scholta J., Häußler F., Jörissen J., Hölzle M.; The Generic Stack - A platform for Testing and System R&D; 33. Aachen Colloquium, Aachen, 07.-09.10.2024
  • Scholta J., Schneider S., König L., Uhlemayr Th., Hunger J., Hopp S., Klass L., Häußler F., Hölzle M.; Generischer Stack – Konzept, Test und Modellierung (Vortrag und Konferenz-Paper); FC3 Fuel Cell Conference, Chemnitz, 12.-13.11.2024
  • Schuhmacher D., Maroni F., Diemant T. (HZB), Marinaro M.; Alloying Anodes in Calcium Ion Batteries; 5th International Symposium on Magnesium Batteries
  • Sharma D. (INL), Nicoara N. (INL), Jackson P., Witte W., Hariskos D., Sadewasser S. (INL); Scanning probe microscopy investigation of the effects of alkali-fluoride post deposition treatments on Cu(In,Ga)Se2 solar cells; 2024 MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit, Boston, 01.-06.12.2024
  • Sozzi G. (Univ. Parma), Perini L. (Univ. Parma), Witte W., Hariskos D.; Tuning the (Zn,Mg)O layer thickness for improved efficiency in CIGS solar cells with Zn(O,S) buffer: A numerical investigation; 52nd IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, Seattle, 09.-14.06.2024
  • Staiß F., Buchmann T., Schmidt M.; Quo vadis Energiewende – Status quo, Herausforderungen, Strategien; Jahrestagung 2024 des Forschungsverbunds Erneuerbare Energien (FVEE): Die Energiewende mit Forschung beschleunigen, Berlin, 08.-09.10.2024
  • Staiß F., Kienzlen V. (KEA-BW); Kommunale Wärmeplanung - und jetzt?; Energiepolitisches Forum 2024: Klimaschutz und Energie Agentur Baden-Württemberg (KEA), Zentrum für Sonnenenergie- und Wasserstoff-Forschung Baden-Württemberg (ZSW), Stuttgart, 05.03.2024
  • Staiß F., Schmidt M.; Wasserstoff als tragende Säule der globalen Energiewende - eine systemische Einordnung; 1. Saarländischer Wasserstoffkongress, Saarbrücken, 28.05.2024 und Online-Diskussionsreihe „60 Minuten“ Wasserstoffwirtschaft, TU Dresden Ifo Institut, 29.05.2024
  • Staiß F., Viebahn P. (Wuppertal Inst.), Löffler M.-S., Thrän D. (DBFZ, UFZ), Schill E. (KIT), Kühnhold-Pospischil S. (ISE); Negative Emissionen als Teil eines Kohlenstoffmanagement; Berliner Energietage, 16.-18.04.2024
  • Staiß F.; Preise für (grünen) Wasserstoff – realistische Prognose oder Wunschdenken?; GEE Energy@Lunch Webinar #14, Gesellschaft für Energiewissenschaft und Energiepolitik e. V. GEE, 23.09.2024
  • Staiß F.; Wasserstoff - Synthese, Import und neue Abhängigkeiten?; Dialogreihe „Innovation und Verantwortung“ - Energiewende: Wo steht Deutschland?, Evangelische Akademie Tutzing, Tutzing, 04.-05.03.2024
  • Strecker K.; KI als Beschleuniger der Energiewende; Jahrestagung 2024 des Forschungsverbunds Erneuerbare Energien (FVEE): Die Energiewende mit Forschung beschleunigen, Berlin, 08.-09.10.2024
  • Strecker K.; KI-Lab.EE: Empowering domain experts with No-Code AutoML; KonKIS 24 - Konferenz der deutschen KI-Servicezentren 2024, Göttingen 09/2024
  • Tran H.Y., Bozorgchenani M., Aracil-Regalado A., Braunwarth W.; Optimized electrode formulation for conventional thick graphite anode; Batterieforum Deutschland, Berlin, 24.-26.01.2024
  • Uhlemayr T., Messerschmidt M., Grünzweig A., Basin P., Scholta J.; Analysis and improvement of characterisation methods for transport properties of gas diffusion layers (GDL) for PEMFCs (Poster); 245th ECS Meeting, San Francisco, 26.-30.05.2024
  • Uhlemayr T., Scholta J., Hölzle M.; Modeling the aging behavior of the catalyst layer in PEM fuel cells; Stuttgart Conference on Automotive Production, Stuttgart, 20.-22.11.2024
  • Uhlemayr T., Scholta J., Yang B. (AVL), Seidl S. (AVL); Integration eines 1-D-Performance-Modells zur Berechnung der Brennstoffzellen-Komponente in einer Gesamtsystem-Simulation; AVL Simulation Conference Germany 2024, Regensburg, 24.-25.09.2024
  • Uhlemayr T., Scholta J.; Modeling of the catalyst degradation in PEM fuel cells; European PhD Hydrogen Conference, Ghent, 20.-22.03.2024
  • Valluvar Oli A. (Univ. Luxembg.), Melchiorre M. (Univ. Luxembg.), Kaur K. (Univ. Luxembg.), Hultqvist A. (Uppsal Univ.), Tomdahl T. (Univ. Uppsala), Hempel W., Witte W., Siebentritt S. (Univ. Luxembg.); Silver-promoted enhanced optoelectronic properties of wide bandgap (Ag,Cu)(In,Ga)S2 for thin film solar cell with 15.5% efficiency; 52nd IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, Seattle, 09.-14.06.2024
  • Valluvar Oli A. (Univ. Luxembg.), Kaur K. (Univ. Luxembg.), Melchiorre M. (Univ. of Luxembg.), Hu Y. (Univ. Cambr.), Kusch G. (Univ. Cambr.), Hultquist A. (Uppsala Univ.), Torndahl T. (Uppsala Univ.), Hempel W., Witte W., Angharad Oliver R. (Univ. Cambr.) Siebentritt S. (Univ. of Luxembg.) ; Effect of NaF co-evaporation on the optoelectronic properties of Cu(In,Ga)S2 wide bandgap solar cell with 15.7% efficiency; Poster 41st EU PVSEC 2024, Wien, 23.-27.09.2024
  • Wahl T., Hanisch J., Ahlswede E., Paetel S.; Implementation of PEIE as ETL in semi-transparent perowskite solar cells without a protective buffer layer; Tandem-PV Workshop, Amsterdam, 25.-27.07.2024
  • Waldmann T., Flügel M., Hogrefe C., Pivarníková I. (TUM), Bolsinger M. (HS Aalen), Paul N. (TUM), Danner T. (DLR, HIU), Kasper M., Knoblauch V. (HS Aalen), Müller-Buschbaum P. (TUM), Gilles R. (TUM), Latz A. (DLR, HIU, Univ. Ulm), Hölzle M., Wohlfahrt-Mehrens M.; An Efficient Workflow for Li-Plating Detection; Kraftwerk Batterie, Münster, 09.-11.04.2024
  • Waldmann T., Gerosa G., Feinauer M., Flügel M., Hölzle M., Wohlfahrt-Mehrens M.; Are Li-ion cells safe for 2nd-Life Applications – The Case of Lithium Plating; DPG-Frühjahrstagung 2024, Berlin, 17.-22.03.2024
  • Waldmann T., Gerosa G., Feinauer M., Flügel M., Hölzle M., Wohlfahrt-Mehrens M.; Li-Plating – An Aging Mechanism to be avoided in 2nd-Life Applications; Batterieforum Deutschland, Berlin, 24.-26.01.2024
  • Weisenberger C. (HS Aalen), Both S. (KIT), Lindner A. (KIT), Delz E. (HS Aalen), Danner T. (DLR, HIU), Menesklou W. (KIT), Waldmann T., Knoblauch V. (HS Aalen); Exploring the Microstructural Architecture of Commercial High-Energy 21700 Lithium-ion Batteries and its Influence on Cell Performance and Aging; Kraftwerk Batterie, Münster, 09.-11.04.2024
  • Werner T., Müller T., Pfeiffer L., Drews P., Axmann P.; The effect of Zn-doping in Na-Fe-Mn-Ni-Oxide as CAM in SIBs; 5th International Sodium Battery Symposium 2024, Berlin
  • Wessendorf C., Öz S. (Solaveni GmbH), Bohr C. (Solaveni GmbH), Ludwig T. (Solaveni GmbH), Khenkin M. (HZB), Ahlswede E.; Recycling of Perovskite Mini-Modules and Stability Tests; MAT SUS Spring Conference, Sevilla, 03.-07.03.2024
  • Wilhelm F., Fensterle, E., Scholta J., Christensen Ch. K. (IRD), Benson, A. (PowerCell), Gazdzicki P. (DLR-TT), Al-Khamissi R. (DLR-TT), Escribano, S. (CEA LITEN); 1. Open-Design Stack - Metal and carbon BPPs (Hauptbeitrag), 2. Heavy-Duty representative Protocols (Beitrag); 1st RealHyFC Workshop, Lyon, 03.12.2024
  • Wilhelm F., Scholta J.; Test results for a high temperature PEMFC stack for a methanol converting electricity generator; 75th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry, Montréal, 18.-23.08.2024
  • Witte W., Paetel S., Hariskos D., Demling A. (HZB), Wilks R. (HZB), Bär M. (HZB), Alves C. (INL), Cerqueira R. (INL), Sadewasser S. (INL), Kochel N. (ROLTEC), Maciejewska J. (ROLTEC), Narasimhamurthy A. (ROLTEC), Morawski M. (ROLTEC), Miszczuk A. (ROLTEC), Basta M. (ROLTEC), Gutzler R.; Development of wide-bandgap Cu(In,Ga)Se2 solar cells and modules on transparent back contacts; 41st European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition, Wien, 23.-27.09.2024
  • Wohlfahrt-Mehrens M.; Water-Based Electrode Processing: Achievements and Challenges; Munich Battery Discussions, 03/2024
  • Wolf P., Buchmann T.; Regional transition patterns under investigation – what do we know about the early transition phase of regions towards e-mobility?; Socio-Informatics 2024, Berlin, 07.10.2024
  • Yazili-Marini D., Talley Fogang L., Marini E., Titnitze G. (Agr. Univ. of Georgia), Hicke D. (FUMATECH), Bansmann J. (Ulm Univ.), Jörissen L., Kreuer K. (MPI-FKF); Non-fluorinated sulfonated poly(phenylene sulfone)-based polymers as membranes and binders in proton exchange membrane fuel cells; 246th PRiME Meeting of the Electrochemical Society 2024, Honolulu, 06.-11.10.2024
  • Zink S., Hunger J., Jörissen L.; Novel approaches for a time and cost efficient activation of polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell stacks; 246th PRiME Meeting of the Electrochemical Society 2024, Honolulu, 06.-11.10.2024

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